Man, 34y
34 years old, Man 4
El motor de mi vida es la energia que vibra en mi interior mi deseo es compartir experiencias dejando huella en la inmensidad del universo palpitante, magico lleno de codicia, deseos y perversiones mentales que escapan de la realidad cotidiana esa mentira diaria de deseo existente cuando observo rostros desfigurados de placer.
The engine of my life is the energy that vibrates within me my desire is to share experiences making their mark in the vastness of pulsating universe, full of greed magical, desires and mental perversions that escape from everyday reality that daily lie of existing desire when I look disfigured faces of pleasure.
The engine of my life is the energy that vibrates within me my desire is to share experiences making their mark in the vastness of pulsating universe, full of greed magical, desires and mental perversions that escape from everyday reality that daily lie of existing desire when I look disfigured faces of pleasure.